Shallow puddles remain over most of a relatively flat surface hours after a rain.
Suspected Issue
The native soil just beneath the turf is not allowing water to flow deeper. (Clay is often to blame.)
Sand capping, with the potential addition of lateral and collector drains, depending on the amount of rain in the area.
Water pools in low lying areas and does not dissipate for days.
Suspected Issue
The water is draining down slopes and not necessarily into the soil beneath the turf.
Examination, testing and analysis to determine whether the problem is localized or is affecting an entire area. For example, if grass is dying at higher elevations, it may not be getting enough water, while grass dying near the pools, may be oversaturated. Core soil samples will also determine if compaction has occurred, and the type of native soil. Once the issues have been determined, a drainage system to solve the specific problems found, will be found.